1. The Referee Staff will verify completion of all the required items as part of your volunteer application (see Volunteer Sign-Up instructions).2. Once verified, You will Receive an Email from our scheduling system known as MATCHTRAK.
http://www.matchtrak.com Username: John Doe (your first and last names)
Password: ayso (This is temporary)
B. There is a link to a
Matchtrak training video on the main page to orient you with signing up for games.
Center = Official in the middle with the whistle
AR#1/AR#2 = The official with the Flag running the touchline (sideline)

C. Feel Free to start with Referee or Assistant Referee assignments depending on your level of comfort. One approach is to start off as an AR on a U10 match where you can see how a center referee introduces themselves to coaches, checks the players equipment, and manages the match. Once you've done this, you should sign up as referee for a U7/U8 match to practice what you've learned. While there are no assistant referees for U7/U8 matches, the game rules are greatly simplified (e.g., no score kept, no penalty kicks, no offside, every foul is a Direct Free Kick) and thus are a safe place to get used to the mechanics of refereeing.
Here is a
walkthrough guide for your first matches of each type. Once you feel comfortable in both roles and have re-familiarized yourself with the full Laws of the Game and other
educational links on the Referee Mentoring page, go ahead and sign up to center a U10 match and you are encouraged to check the box in Matchtrak requesting a mentor. You can discuss with your mentor what style of mentoring you want (styles are described on the Referee Mentoring page).
D. Please DO NOT Referee your own child's game at 10U or Above.
If you are there to watch, and the Referee needs an Assistant Referee, if you think you can be neutral and unbiased, go ahead and take the Assignment.
Please email the RRA and they will make sure you get credit for that game, however you must be in full Referee Uniform to get credit. Certified referees that are not in uniform can only act as a club linesman who only signals when the ball is out of play (does not indicate throw in direction or call any fouls/offenses).
3. Uniform and equipment handouts are typically done Friday evenings after referee classes.
Watch for emails from the RRA with dates/times and location which is typically the Region 114 container at Heartwell Park East (
see map).
We try to stock unisex from Adult AXS all the way to XXXL. Youth sizes are more limited but we should be able to accommodate all.
4. Look for emails from [email protected] and [email protected] for learning opportunities! These may range from on-field practice sessions, referee practice opportunities during a scrimmage between two teams, or Zoom calls with reminders, videos, and Q&A.
5. Get out there and Referee, you might really enjoy it like many of us!A. Feel Free to Request a Mentor on any game you are doing in MATCHTRAK at anytime, but please be mindful not to request mentors for multiple weeks in a row as we sometimes struggle to accommodate all mentor requests as some of our more experienced mentors hit the road when their children have away games. We will do our best to fulfill you Mentor request at the game your requested, however please be prepared to be flexible and to have the Mentor suggest a different Game date or timeaccording to their availability.
For any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected] or [email protected]