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AYSO 114 Long Beach

Region 114 Post-Season Coaching

Region 114 Post-Season Coaching Opportunities

There are two Coaching opportunities after the Fall season ends -- Core All-Stars in the Winter, and Spring Select in the (duh) Spring.

  • All-Stars (U10 - U14)
  • Spring Select (U8* - U14)

All-Stars (U10 - U14)

All-Stars teams are fielded through invitation (no try-outs), from a pool of the Fall Core U10 - U14 teams. All-Star teams play in an Area E Tournament in January. There may also be play in some optional tournaments immediately after the Core season, from late November up through January. Winners of the Area E tournament advance to the Section 11 Tournament (February), and winners of Section 11 advance to Western States Championships (March). The All-Stars season ends as soon as your team does not advance in a Tournament.

All-Stars teams are formed by using the player ratings that Core coaches are asked to submit. We also ask Coaches to nominate players, to help build the strongest team to represent Region 114. More info on our Fall Core Program page.

If All-Stars Coaches wish to participate in AYSO Tournaments as a warm up before the Area E All-Stars tournament in January, they should scout players and submit rosters to the All-Stars selection committee as early as possible.

Selection of All-Stars Coaches

All interested coaches should submit an All-Stars application by the date at the top of this page. A Board Committee evaluates candidates within a week or two, and notifies accepted coches.

Spring Select (U8* - U14)

Spring Select teams are formed by the Spring Select coach (no try-outs). Spring Select Teams need at a minimum THREE confirmed referees from the Fall season. If you are heavily involved referee, you should make it known to the Spring Select Coach that you are interested in having your child play in Spring. READ THE SPRING SELECT COACH FAQ HERE.

* While there is no U7 team, U7 players are eligible to play in U8 Spring Select.

Spring Select teams begin practicing in February, with a 10-week game schedule that runs from March - May, with the Spring Select Tournament (optional, paid by the team) wrapping up in early June. Spring Select Teams play against other Spring Select teams within our AYSO Area (typically no more than 20 drive for away games).

Region 114 attempts to have a Spring Select team for every division, and in fact sometimes we have two from the same division, but ultimately it is subject to how many Select Coach volunteer applications we receive.

Important: Spring Select teams must have a 3-person referee crew that can referee at their competition level every week. (Refereeing in Spring is not like using Matchtrak in the Fall; instead each team is typically assigned the game after, or the first game of the day.) Only Rosters with a three person referee crew will be considered.

Also important: The purpose of Spring Select is not for Coaches to "carry" their entire Fall team to Spring. The purpose is to reward volunteers who have made an excellent contribution with the ability to play in Spring, in more competitive matches. We expect Spring Select teams to comprise players from every team throughout the Fall season -- similar to All-Stars. However, All-Stars is focused purely on selecting the best players. Spring Select Coaches should be picking players based on a mix of volunteerism and skill. For exceptional referees and volunteers, the Region can require a Spring Select Coach to make room for specific players.

More info on our Spring Select Program page.

How to apply to Coach All-Stars

All-Stars applications are usually due in October. The due date and link to apply will be listed above once the application window is open.

How to apply to Coach Spring Select or EXTRA

Coaches interested in applying to be a Spring Select or Long Beach United (EXTRA) Coach should submit their info during the application window, usually due in October or November. The due date and link to apply will be listed above once the application window is open.

Other Coaching Opportunities

Did you know Region 114 has a year-round soccer program, called Long Beach United? They play on the AYSO EXTRA™ circuit against other regions in other sections, ranging from Lancaster down to Mission Viejo, although most away games are within 30 minutes drive time.

AYSO EXTRA™ is a completely separate program from AYSO Core. EXTRA™ is also separate from All-Stars and Spring Select. Region 114 EXTRA™ teams, called "Long Beach United" form for both Fall and Spring EXTRA™ seasons.

EXTRA™ is AYSO's program offering a higher level of play and requires try-outs. To qualify for Fall and Spring EXTRA™ programs the players must attend one of the tryouts that are usually held December - February. More info can be found on our Long Beach United page.

Long Beach United coaches are held to a higher standard than any other level. All Long Beach United Coaches must be excellent volunteers -- this includes refereeing, and controlling your touchlines. With the added benefit of being able to hand-pick your team through try-outs, Long Beach United teams are expected to referee more than any other team. Long Beach United teams are expected to represent Region 114 in the highest regard when playing in other regions, and also to uphold AYSO philosophies.

Region 114 Commissioner's Cup Division Winners (U10 - U14)

In addition to the above coaching opportunities for which you must apply, each Regional Division Winner (determined by the Commissioner's Cup) is invited to play in Area E Tournament (January), and may even advance to Section 11 Tournament (February), and Western States Championships (March). This does not require a post-season Coaching Application but does require you have completed all required Coach certifications. This opportunity is afforded to each Coach who wins their Division in the Commissioner's Cup plus has not had disciplinary issues and will be a good representative of Region 114 by promoting the AYSO philosophies. Reminder you are only allowed to play in the Commissioner's Cup if your team has achieved the requisite number of volunteer points.

I still have questions.

You may reach out to the Region 114 Post-Season Coordinator

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AYSO Region 114

Heartwell Park 
Long Beach, California 90808

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