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AYSO 114 Long Beach

Light Lottery Zoom Info

2025 Region 114 Light Schedule

Light Schedule begins Monday, November 3rd 2025

2025 Light Schedule Fields

Field 7 for U10 (link is for 2024, 2025 link not ready yet)

Field 6 for U12 and U14 (link is for 2024, 2025 link not ready yet)

Coaches with multiple teams, will be given special consideration to hold sessions on fields not normally reserved for their age group.

Light Lottery (Zoom)

Date: Sunday Oct 26, 2025

U10: 5:30pm - 6:45pm

U12 and U14: 7pm - 8pm

Join Zoom Meeting here. Only send one representative from each team.

Passcode: 114

Light Lottery

Region 114 Light Lottery

What is the Light Lottery?

The Light Lottery is an in-person Zoom meeting where Coaches (who have met their certification requirements) get to choose their practice spot on a Lighted field. Once Daylight Savings ends, the fields are dark by 5:30 or so. So the only way to practice on a lighted field space is to reserve a practice spot during the Light Lottery Zoom. The field location and time selected may only be used by that team, and no others. Only teams that have complied with the Region's requirements (see below) are eligible to participate in the Light Lottery.

When does the Light Lottery Schedule go into effect?

The Light Lottery Schedule begins the Monday after Daylight Savings ends, unless you hear otherwise from your Coach Administrator. 

Which fields are covered by the light lottery?

The Fields are designated by division:

  • Field 12 - First Touch
  • Field 7 - U10
  • Field 6 - U12 & U14

How are the fields divided?

Each of the above fields is divided (usually into eights). A team may only participate in their designated section of the field at their designated day and time. No other team may use that spot. Conversely, all teams must quickly vacate their spot upon their time ending so the next team may begin.

To see a detailed description of the division for each field, please review the Light Lottery Documents linked above.

What times does the Light Lottery schedule go in effect?

The Light Lottery practice schedule begins at 5pm Monday - Thursday. If you're practice ends before 5pm, you may occupy any unused space. But you must move from the field by 5pm since it is reserved for another team.

Who may participate in the light lottery?

Only teams that have submitted player evaluations, and whose coaches have met ALL coach requirements, may participate in the Light Lottery. In addition, only teams that attend the in-person Lottery drawing may participate. Coaches are not required to attend -- any representative from a team -- who the coach has empowered to make date/time/location choices -- may attend.

How does the Light Lottery selection process work?

Selection order is determined by volunteer points (usually calculated the weekend before). A team representative picks from the available Day, Time, Field Position slots available. If enough spots remain (depending on the # of teams present during the Light Lottery Zoom), another round is held during the Zoom meeting for teams present to choose a second spot, depending on age division.

Do I need to be present at the Light Lottery to get practice space?

If you want the best shot at getting the practice space you want, YES! During the Light Lottery Zoom meeting, each team is given a chance to select their desired practice space.

I did not attend. Can I still get a spot?

Once the lottery is complete, any remaining spots may be claimed by other teams (who meet the above requirements). Send an email to the AYSO Regional Coach Administrator with the time and field code of the available slot. The Administrator will reply if/when it is assigned. (It may not get assigned right away. We are volunteer parents like you.)

Must I participate in the light lottery?

If you did not attend the Light Lottery Zoom, and if you do not email a request for reserved practice space, then you can still practice, but you will not be able to practice on a lighted field spot that someone else reserved. (The purpose of the Light Lottery is to "reserve" fields.) There are swaths of grass with plenty of light spillover around the fringes of the fields. Please share responsibly.

What about U5 - U8 teams?

U5 - U8 teams do not participate in the light lottery. They may find small areas of grass that are lighted near the fields. However, it is recommended most U5 - U8 teams finish practicing, since they only have 1 game left at the time the Light Lottery takes effect.

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AYSO Region 114

Heartwell Park 
Long Beach, California 90808

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